New Year’s Resolution? Nope, Time to Start Now!

Let’s face it, its’ more comfortable to visualize change and postpone difficult things than it is to implement action that would move you closer to your goals. We all have visualized ourselves being millionaires, having the best body, or getting that promotion. But how many of us have visualized everything that it takes to get those results. For instance, you’ll rarely see someone gazing at the ceiling saying, “I’ve been vividly daydreaming of doing 1000 sit-ups until my stomach screams and I can’t do anymore”. Or have you ever heard someone say, “I’ve been visualizing sacrificing time with the people I love so that I can get my business off the ground”. Of course not. Why? Because although these sacrifices often must be made, it’s difficult and hard to think about. Frankly, it sucks. It’s easier to daydream being on a yacht with no shirt on, flexing your abs while your business is raking in millions while enjoying the cool summer breeze. Taking immediate action that will get you to your goal is where it gets difficult.

So why should you take immediate action? It’s simple. Procrastination is the wet mist that slowly puts out the burning desire within us to make change. Procrastination, like anything else, is a habit. It will kill your dreams and goals if not checked immediately by action. There will always be reasons to put your goals on hold. Breaking the habit of accepting those reasons is pivotal in achieving your goals. We don’t have time to waste and we must cherish every second we live on this earth because tomorrow is not promised. If you ever lost a love one unexpectedly, you know this to be true.

So, let’s end on this. There is nothing wrong with visualizing the endgame and setting dates for when you want to accomplish your goals. However, there is a problem with visualizing the endgame and setting dates on when you want to start the journey. Why wait? I only want to offer you the idea that your dreams and goals are worth starting now. Don’t procrastinate. Become the person you know you deserve to be and accomplish your goals today. I’m rooting for you!

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